Memento mori

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Location: metro manila, Philippines

-looking for her real purpose in life and is in the process of being financially free (or so she thinks). Which then leads to a set of varied decisions, some financial set-backs, a disappointing new lead, new investments, a change in mindset, a new love that is for keeps, and probably that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. i write my thoughts and opinions, it may be similar to yours or it may not be. nonetheless, writing it has made me feel better and thats all that matters.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Scribo ergo sum

Scribo ergo sum. I write therefore I am.
Some people write to gain acceptance.
I write because I believe that there is a power in writing that could influence and change.
That though my writing may diverge on a road different from what others tread, they could make the reader think. Basically about himself, and the life he is leading.
I write not to make you believe, but for people to give themselves a chance into life itself.
I may sound entirely superficial.
I may sound different from others that have come before me. But I believe that only those who dare to be different make all the difference in the world.
I can insignate change.
Therefore I write.