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Location: metro manila, Philippines

-looking for her real purpose in life and is in the process of being financially free (or so she thinks). Which then leads to a set of varied decisions, some financial set-backs, a disappointing new lead, new investments, a change in mindset, a new love that is for keeps, and probably that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. i write my thoughts and opinions, it may be similar to yours or it may not be. nonetheless, writing it has made me feel better and thats all that matters.

Monday, December 20, 2010

taking the plunge

Every now and then we take some risks and try on something new. Every once in a while, though it looked easy at first, we realize we have a long way to go. So we gather up our bags, wipe away the tears, and try to lift our heads up high despite what other people would say.

I always had high aspirations of myself. Always, I dreamt of becoming much more than I could be and someday perhaps earn passive income and spend more time with my family. It has always been the search for a much better life that has motivated not only me but most filipinos to search for better opportunities. I was never one to be easily swayed by anything negative too, but there really comes a time when sometimes you stop, pause and think on what you're doing now.

I went back to the philippines to try something new. I saw an opportunity I thought would be unique and would be innovative. I came back and realized everybody was already doing it. I've met the successful ones and along the way, I've met those who have been burned bad they could hardly stand up on their feet. I became stuck then. I did not know if I should or should not do what I planned. Fear crept in and like its twin, doubt began to enter my thoughts.

We all take chances. I took mine. In taking the plunge, I came back up grasping for air but still hanging on to my life vest. I realized, I took a chance without first learning how to swim. Like someone who was too excited to try the waters, I plunged headfirst and am just thankful I did not drown.

I know I still have alot to learn. Perhaps, this was a wake up call for me to always PLAN PLAN PLAN. Nothing beats planning. Sometimes even the lines of heaven get too busy to hear your calls when everything else is going down.

I'm still keeping my head up though. I know this will pass. Perhaps now, I am stuck in a rut, like a swimmer who took the plunge and is now hanging on to that lifevest to live, its hard to let go. But probably I just need more time to train, or perhaps, something much better would come. By that time, I'd take the plunge again.
Probably I'd come back gasping for air or probably this time around, I'd learn to swim my way through.


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